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2021-04-25  核学院

职称/Title:副教授,硕导(原子与分子物理、粒子与原子核物理、能源动力方向)/Associate Prof.


工作简历/Professional Employment:

2014.01 – 新葡亰8883ent会员中心 副教授/Associate Prof., Lanzhou University

2014.12 – 新葡亰8883ent会员中心 硕士研究生导师/Master Mentor, Lanzhou University


2010.09 – 2013.12 爱尔兰都柏林大学 原子与等离子体物理 博士 导师:Gerard O’Sullivan

PhD: Physics University College Dublin (UCD) Dec, 2013 Advisor: Prof. Gerard O’Sullivan

2007.09 – 2010.06 西北师范大学 原子与分子物理 硕士 导师:董晨钟 教授

M.Sc: Physics Northwest Normal University June, 2010 Advisor: Prof. Chenzhong Dong

2003.09 - 2007.06 西北师范大学物理系 学士

B.Sc: Physics education Northwest Normal University, June, 2007

研究方向/ Research Interest:

1)激光等离子体及其应用/Laser-produced plasma (激光-等离子体相互作用/流体动力学及非平衡演化过程/短波长等离子体光源)

2)原子分子结构及动力学/The properties of atomic and molecular and dynamical processes(外场中的原子分子过程/电子、光-原子(分子)相关作用/极端条件下物态性质)

研究亮点/ Research Highlights:


2)基于大阪大学GEKKO XII装置,获得了目前报道的超极紫外光刻6.x nm最高的转换效率,该工作获得了《nature photonics》题为“More efficient plasmas”的专题报道(“Kensuke Yoshida and co-workers from Japan, Ireland and China have now achieved one of the highest conversion efficiencies to date by using twelve laser beams to produce spherical plasmas.”)。

3)发表于J. Phys. B的题为“Spectroscopy of highly charged ions and its relevance to EUV and soft x-ray source development”的文章被选为研究亮点 (Highlights 2015)。

4) 近年来一直从事高Z原子极紫外光谱和激光-物质相互作用方面的研究工作并获得了一些有特色的研究结果。在Appl. Phys. Lett.、Phys. Rev. A、J. Appl. Phys.和Opt. Express等期刊已发表相关论文50余篇,包括SCI顶级或二区文章20篇。


1)数学物理方法(本科生)/Method of Mathematical Physics (Undergraduate students)

2)科学研究方法与科学精神(硕士生)/ Scientific method and literacy (Master students)



1. Lei Chen, Bowen Li, Ximeng Chen, Contribution of the metastable states to electron-impact single ionization for W7+, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radit. Transf. 285, 108179 (2022).

2. Bowen Li, Dielectronic recombination of W37+ and electron-impact ionization of W36+, Eur. J. Phys. D 76, 23 (2022).

3. Junkui Wei, Bowen Li, Ximeng Chen, Elastic electron scattering from A@Cn (A=Ca, Mg, n=60, 20), J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 205202 (2020).

4. Xiaokai Xu, Yan Zhang, Bowen Li, Ximeng Chen, Ab initio calculation of electrostatic potentials for C60 and C80, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 035102 (2020).

5. Hayato Ohashi, Hiroyuki Hara, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Akira Sasaki, Chihiro Suzuki, Naoki Tamura, Hiroyuki A. Sakaue, Daiji Kato, Izumi Murakami, and Takeshi Higashiguchi, Electron temperature optimization for efficient water-window soft x-ray emission from discharge-produced highly charged zirconium ions, JOSA B 36, 3555 (2019).

6. Liangyong Wu, Shengqi Zhang, Bowen Li, Fisher information for endohedrally confined hydrogen atom, Phys. Lett. A 384, 126033 (2019).

7. Bowen Li, Xiaokai Xu, Ximeng Chen, Relativistic large scale CI calculations of energies, transition rates and lifetimes in Ca-like ions between Co VIII and Zn XI, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 127-128, 131-139 (2019).

8. Ellie Floyd Barte, Hiroyuki Hara, Toshiki Tamura, Takuya Gisuji, When-Bo Chen, Ragava Lokasani, Tadashi Hatano, Takeo Ejima, Weihua Jiang, Chihiro Suzuki, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O'Sullivan,   Akira Sasaki, Takeshi Higashiguchi, and Ji?í Limpouch, Characteristics of soft x-ray and extreme ultraviolet (XUV) emission from laser-produced highly charged rhodium ions, J. Appl. Phys. 123, 183301 (2018).

9. Yang Li, Xiaokai Xu, Bowen Li, Per Jönsson, Ximeng Chen, Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of energy levels and radiative rates of Fe VII, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 479, 1260-1266 (2018).

10. D.-H. Kwon, W. Lee, S. Preval, C.P. Ballance, E. Behar, J. Colgan, C.J. Fontes, T. Nakano, B. Li, X. Ding, C.Z. Dong, Y.B. Fu, N.R. Badnell, M. O’Mullane, H.-K. Chung, B.J. Braams, Iso-nuclear tungsten dielectronic recombination rates for use in magnetically-confined fusion plasmas, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 119, 250-262 (2018).

11. Bowen Li, Takamitsu, Otsuka, Emma Sokell, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Hiroyuki Hara, Goki Arai, Toshiki Tamura, Yuichi Ono, Thanh-Hung Dinh, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Eur. J. Phys. D 71, 278 (2017).

12. Hiroyuki Hara, Hayato Ohashi, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Akira Sasaki, Chihiro Suzuki,   Naoki Tamura, Hiroyuki A. Sakaue, Daiji Kato, Izumi Murakami,   Takeshi Higashiguchi, and LHD Experiment Group, Spectral evolution of soft x-ray emission from optically thin, high electron temperature platinum plasmas, APL Photonics 2, 081301 (2017).

13. Tao Wu,Takeshi Higashiguchi, Bowen Li, Goki Arai, Hiroyuki Hara, Yoshiki Kondo, Takanori Miyazaki, Thanh-Hung Dinh, Fergal O'Reilly, Emma Sokell, Gerry O'Sullivan, Opt. Commun. 385, 143-152 (2017).

14. Bowen Li, Gerry O’Sullivan, Chenzhong Dong, Ximeng Chen, Dielectronic recombination of tungsten ions, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 155201 (2016).

15. Wang Zhou, Hu Zhou, Meixiao Zhang, Lihua Zhou, Yuan Li, Bowen Li, and Ximeng Chen, Lattice-constant and electron-affinity effects on negative-ion conversion in atom–ionic-crystal-surface grazing scattering, Phys. Rev. A 94, 052708 (2016).

16. Hu Zhou, Wang Zhou, Meixiao Zhang, Lihua Zhou, Yulong Ma, Guangyi Wang, Yong Wu, Bowen Li, and Ximeng Chen, Complete-velocity-range description of negative-ion conversion of neutral atoms on an alkali-metal-halide surface under grazing geometry, Phys. Rev. A 93, 062708 (2016).

17. Ragava Lokasani, Goki Arai, Yoshiki Kondo, Hiroyuki Hara, Thanh-Hung Dinh, Takeo Ejima, Tadashi Hatano, Weihua Jiang, Tetsuya Makimura, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O'Sullivan,   Takeshi Higashiguchi, and Jiri Limpouch, Soft X-ray emission from molybdenum plasmas generated by dual laser pulses, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 194103 (2016).

18. Tao Wu, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Bowen Li, Goki Arai, Hiroyuki Hara, Yoshiki Kondo, Takanori Miyazaki, Thanh-Hung Dinh, Padraig Dunne, Fergal O’Reilly, Emma Sokell, Gerry O’Sullivan, Spectral investigation of highly ionized bismuth plasmas produced by subnanosecond Nd: YAG laser pulses, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 035001 (2016).

19. Bowen Li, Hiroyuki Hara, Yuhei Suzuki, Goki Arai, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Hayato Ohashi, Weihua Jiang, Tetsuya Makimura, Hiroyuki A. Sakaue, Chihiro Suzuki, Daiji Kato, Izumi Murakami, Padraig Dunne, Elaine Long, Paul Sheridan, Ximeng Chen,and Gerry O’Sullivan, Properties of the extreme ultraviolet emission from germanium and gallium plasmas, J. Appl. Phys. 118, 073302 (2015).

20. Hiroyuki Hara, Goki Arai, Thanh-Hung Dinh, Weihua Jiang, Taisuke Miura, Akira Endo, Takeo Ejima, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Atsushi Sunahara, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Numerical evaluation of a 13.5-nm high-brightness microplasma extreme ultraviolet source, J. Appl. Phys. 118, 193301 (2015).

21. Tao Wu, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Bowen Li, Yuhei Suzuki, Goki Arai, Thanh-Hung Dinh, Padraig Dunne, Fergal O’Reilly, Emma Sokell, Gerry O’Sullivan, XUV spectral analysis of ns-and ps-laser produced platinum plasmas, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 245007 (2015).

22. Thanh-Hung Dinh, Yuhei Suzuki, Goki Arai, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Shinsuke Fujioka, Noboru Hasegawa, Tetsuya Kawachi, Masaharu Nishikino, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Temporal behavior of unresolved transition array emission in water window soft x-ray spectral region from multiply charged ions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 121101 (2015).

23. Tao Wu, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Bowen Li, Yuhei Suzuki, Goki Arai, Thanh-Hung Dinh, Padraig Dunne, Fergal O’Reilly, Emma Sokell, Luning Liu, Gerry O’Sullivan, Analysis of extreme ultraviolet spectra from laser produced rhenium plasmas, J. Phys. B 48, 165005 (2015).

24. Hayato Ohashi, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Yuhei Suzuki, Goki Arai, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Hiroyuki A Sakaue, Daiji Kato, Izumi Murakami, Naoki Tamura, Shigeru Sudo, Fumihiro Koike, Chihiro Suzuki, Characteristics of x-ray emission from optically thin high-Z plasmas in the soft x-ray region, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 144011 (2015).

25. Gerry O’Sullivan, Bowen Li, Rebekah D’Arcy, Padraig Dunne, Paddy Hayden, Deirdre Kilbane, Tom McCormack, Hayato Ohashi, Fergal O’Reilly, Paul Sheridan, Emma Sokell, Chihiro Suzuki, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Spectroscopy of highly charged ions and its relevance to EUV and soft x-ray source development, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 144025 (2015).

26. Kensuke Yoshida, Shinsuke Fujioka, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Teruyuki Ugomori, Nozomi Tanaka, Masato Kawasaki, Yuhei Suzuki, Chihiro Suzuki, Kentaro Tomita, Ryoichi Hirose, Takeo Ejima, Hayato Ohashi, Masaharu Nishikino, Atsushi Sunahara, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Tatsuya Yanagida, Hiroshi Azechi, Hiroaki Nishimura, Density and x-ray emission profile relationships in highly ionized high-Z laser-produced plasmas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 121109 (2015).

27. Thanh Hung Dinh, Yuhei Suzuki, Ryoichi Hirose, Hiroyuki Hara, Hayato Ohashi, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Atsushi Sunahara, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Note: Development of a volume-limited dot target for a high brightness extreme ultraviolet microplasma source, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 116104 (2014).

28. Takeshi Higashiguchi, Mami Yamaguchi, Takamitsu Otsuka, Takeshi Nagata, Hayato Ohashi, Bowen Li, Rebekah D’Arcy, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Note: Enhancement of the extreme ultraviolet emission from a potassium plasma by dual laser irradiation, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 096102 (2014).

29. Amitava Roy, Goki Arai, Hiroyuki Hara, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Hayato Ohashi, Atsushi Sunahara, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Taisuke Miura, Tomas Mocek, Akira Endo, “Evolution of laser-produced Sn extreme ultraviolet source diameter for high-brightness source”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 074103 (2014).

30. Kensuke Yoshida, Shinsuke Fujioka, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Teruyuki Ugomori, Nozomi Tanaka, Hayato Ohashi, Masato Kawasaki, Yuhei Suzuki, Chihiro Suzuki, Kentaro Tomita, Ryoichi Hirose, Takeo Ejima, Masaharu Nishikino, Atsushi Sunahara, Enda Scally, Bowen Li, Tatsuya Yanagida, Hiroaki Nishimura, Hiroshi Azechi, Gerry O’Sullivan, “Efficient extreme ultraviolet emission from one-dimensional spherical plasmas produced by multiple lasers”, Appl. Phys. Express 7, 086202 (2014).

31. Hayato Ohashi, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Yuhei Suzuki, Goki Arai, Yukitoshi Otani, Toyohiko Yatagai, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Hiroyuki A Sakaue, Daiji Kato, Izumi Murakami, Naoki Tamura, Shigeru Sudo, Fumihiro Koike, Chihiro Suzuki, “Quasi-Moseley’s law for strong narrow bandwidth soft x-ray sources containing higher charge-state ions”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 234107 (2014), Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 169903 (2015).

32. Hayato Ohashi, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Bowen Li, Yuhei Suzuki, Masato Kawasaki, Tatsuhiko Kanehara, Yuya Aida, Shuichi Torii, Tetsuya Makimura, Weihua Jiang, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Nobuyuki Nakamura, “Tuning extreme ultraviolet emission for optimum coupling with multilayer mirrors for future lithography through control of ionic charge states”, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 033302 (2014).

33. Bowen Li, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Takamitsu Otsuka, Noboru Yugami, Padraig Dunne, Deirdre Kilbane, Emma Sokell, Gerry O'Sullivan, Analysis of laser produced plasmas of gold in the 1–7 nm region, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47, 075001 (2014)

34. Takeshi Higashiguchi, Bowen Li, Yuhei Suzuki, Masato Kawasaki, Hayato Ohashi, Shuichi Torii, Daisuke Nakamura, Akihiko Takahashi, Tatsuo Okada, Weihua Jiang, Taisuke Miura, Akira Endo, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, Tetsuya Makimura, “Characteristics of extreme ultraviolet emission from mid-infrared laser-produced rare-earth Gd plasmas”, Opt. Express  21, 31837 (2013).

35. C Suzuki, F Koike, I Murakami, N Tamura, S Sudo, C O’Gorman, B Li, CS Harte, T Donnelly, G O’Sullivan, “Extreme ultraviolet spectra from highly charged gadolinium and neodymium ions in the Large Helical Device and laser produced plasmas”, Phys. Scr.  T156, 014078 (2013).

36. Gerry O’Sullivan, Thomas Cummins, Padraig Dunne, Akira Endo, Paddy Hayden, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Deirdre Kilbane, Bowen Li, Colm O’Gorman, Takamitsu Otsuka, Emma Sokell, Noboru Yugami, “Recent progress in source development for lithography at 6. X nm”, Phys. Scr.  T156, 014105 (2013).

37. Bowen Li, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Takamitsu Otsuka, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O'Sullivan, “Water window” sources: Selection based on the interplay of spectral properties and multilayer reflection bandwidth, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 041117 (2013).

38. Bowen Li, Gerry O’Sullivan, Chenzhong Dong, Relativistic R-matrix calculation photoionization cross section of Xe and Xe@C60, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 155203 (2013).

39. Takeshi Higashiguchi,  Takamitsu Otsuka, Noboru Yugami, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, “Feasibility study of broadband efficient “water window” source”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 014103 (2012).

40. Thomas Cummins, Takamitsu Otsuka, Noboru Yugami, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Bowen Li, Colm O’Gorman, Padraig Dunne, Emma Sokell, Gerry O’Sullivan1 and Takeshi Higashiguchi, “Optimizing conversion efficiency and reducing ion energy of laser-produced Gd plasma”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 061118 (2012).

41. Colm O’Gorman, Takamitsu Otsuka, Noboru Yugami, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Bowen Li, Thomas Cummins, Padraig Dunne, Emma Sokell, Gerry O’Sullivan, and Takeshi Higashiguchi, “The effect of viewing angle on the spectral behavior of a Gd plasma source near 6.7 nm” , Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 141108 (2012).

42. R. D’Arcy, O. Morris, B. Li, H. Ohashi, S. Suda, H. Tanuma, S. Fujioka, H. Nishimura, K. Nishihara, C. Suzuki, T. Kato, F. Koike, and Gerry O’Sullivan, “EUV spectra of Xe XVII-Xe XXI produced in charge-exchange collisions”, Phys. Rev. A. 85, 062513 (2012).

43. G. O’Sullivan and B. W. Li, “Development of Laser Produced Plasma Sources for EUV Lithography”, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 11, 021108 (2012).

44. Bowen Li, Takamitsu Otsuka, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Noboru Yugami, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Padraig Dunne, and Gerry O'Sullivan, Investigation of Gd and Tb plasma parameters for beyond extreme ultraviolet lithography based on multilayer mirror performance, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 013112 (2012)

45. B. W. Li, G. O’Sullivan, Y. B. Fu and C. Z. Dong, Dielectronic recombination of Rh-like Gd and W, Phys. Rev. A 85, 052706 (2012)

46. B. W. Li, G. O’Sullivan, Y. B. Fu and C. Z. Dong, Dielectronic recombination of Pd-like gadolium, Phys. Rev. A 85, 012712 (2012)

47. Bowen Li, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Takamitsu Otsuka, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O'Sullivan, XUV spectra of laser-produced zirconium plasmas, J. Phys. B 45, 245004 (2012)

48. Bowen Li, Padraig Dunne, Takeshi Higashiguchi, Takamitsu Otsuka, Noboru Yugami, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Gerry O'Sullivan, Gd plasma source modeling at 6.7 nm for future lithography, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 231502 (2011)

49. Takeshi Higashiguchi,  Takamitsu Otsuka, Noboru Yugami, Weihua Jiang, Akira Endo, Bowen Li, Deirdre Kilbane, Padraig Dunne, Gerry O’Sullivan, “Extreme ultraviolet source at 6.7 nm based on a low-density plasma”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 191502 (2011).

50. Li Bowen, Jiang Jun, Dong Chenzhong, Wang Jianguo, Ding Xiaobin, Influence of plasma effect on the energy levels and transition probabilities of Hydrogen-like ions, Acta Phys. Sin. 58, 5274 (2009).

51. Zheng Shudong, Li Bowen, Li Jiguang, Dong Chenzhong, Yuan Wenyuan, The influences of the finite nuclear size effects on the energy levels and wavefunctions of hydrogen-like ions, Acta Phys. Sin. 58, 1556 (2009).

52. Li Bowen, Dong Chenzhong, Jiang Jun, Jianguo Wang, Electron-impact excitation of Ti21+ in Debye plasmas, Eur. J. Phys. D 59, 193 (2010).

