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2021-03-19  新葡亰8883ent会员中心


职称:副教授,硕士生导师: 核科学与技术(学术学位)、能源动力(专业学位)

通讯地址: 兰州大学二分部现物楼


主要从事飞秒强激光与原子、分子相互作用的研究。在国内、国际会议发表口头报告多次。 J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Phys. Rev. A,Phys. Rev. E学术期刊审稿人。









1. 2022年9月至今,兰州大学,新葡亰8883ent会员中心,副教授

2. 2019/02-2022/08,兰州大学,化学化工学院,博士后

3. 2016/12-2018/11,美国堪萨斯州立大学,物理学院,联合培养博士

4. 2013/09-2016/11, 兰州大学,新葡亰8883ent会员中心,博士


1.国家自然科学基金青年基金, 11904146,基于多态耦合方法的双原子分子阿秒瞬态吸收谱谱线结构及其应用的理论研究,25万,在研,主持。





1.S. Xue, W. Yang, P. Li, Y. Zhang, P. Ding, S.-F. Zhao, H. Du and A.-T. Le, “Coherent postionization dynamics of molecules based on adiabatic strong-field approximation” arXiv: 2311.11242 (2023).

2.Y. Zhang, M. Zhang, W. Yang, H. Yu, M. S. Si, S. Xue*, and H. Du*, “Defects of the nearest-neighbor tight-binding model in the study of solid harmonics” Phys. Rev. A 108 043508 (2023).

3.Z. Zhu, S. Xue*, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, R. Yang, S. Sun, Z. Liu, P. Ding*, and B. Hu, “Influence of polarization ellipticity on N2+ lasing in a strong laser field” Phys. Rev. A 108 013111 (2023).

4.S. Xue, S. Sun, P. Ding, B. Hu, S. Yue and H. Du, “Reconstruction of the vibronic state density matrix based on the pump-probe state-resolved energy spectra” Phys. Rev. A 105 043108 (2022).

5.P. Ding, M. Ruchkina, Z. Wang, M. Zhuzou, S. Xue* and J. Bood, “Signature of femtosecond laser-induced superfluorescence from atomic hydrogen” Phys. Rev. A 105 013702 (2022).

6.S. Yue, Y. Li, S. Xue*, H. Du*, and M. Lein, “Ionization and recombination times of the long trajectory in high-order harmonic generation”  Phys. Rev. A 106, 023117 (2022).

7.S. Yue, S. Xue, H. Du*, and Manfred Lein*, “Revealing Coulomb time shifts in high-harmonic generation by frequency-dependent streaking” Physical Review A 105, L041103 (2022)

8.S. Xue, S. Yue, H. Du, B. Hu and A.-T. Le, “Vibronic coherence and quantum beats of O2 + based on laser pump-probe dissociation dynamics” Phys. Rev. A 104 013101 (2021).

9.Y. Malakar, W. L. Pearson, M. Zohrabi, B. Kaderiya, Kanaka Raju P., F. Ziaee, S. Xue, A.-T. Le, I. Ben-Itzhak, D. Rolles and A. Rudenko, “Time-resolved imaging of bound and dissociating nuclear wave packets in strong-field ionized iodomethane” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 36, 14090 (2019).

10.S. Xue, H. Du, B. Hu, C. Lin and A.-T. Le, “Following coherent multichannel nuclear wave packets in pump-probe studies of O 2 with ultrashort laser pulses” Phys. Rev. A 97 043409 (2018).

11.S. Xue, H. Du, S. Yue, H. Wu and B. Hu, “Wavelength dependence of electron localization of H2+ and its isotopomers in the UV-pump-probe scheme” Chin. Phys. B, 26, 058201 (2017)

12.S. Xue, H. Du, Y. Xia and B. Hu, “Effects of nuclear motion on the ionization induced terahertz radiation of H2+ in intense few-cycle laser pulses” Phys. Rev. A 92(1) 013420 (2015).

13.S. Xue, H. C. Du, Y. Xia and B. T. Hu, “Generation of isolated attosecond pulses in bowtie-shaped nanostructure with three-color spatially inhomogeneous fields” Chin. Phys. B 24(5) 054210 (2015)

14.H. C. Du, S. Xue, H. Wang, Z. Zhang and B. T. Hu, “Nonadiabatic spectral redshift of high-order harmonics with the help of a VUV pulse” Phys. Rev. A 91(6) 063844 (2015).

15.H. Du, S. Xue, H. Wang, Y. Wen and B. Hu, “Generating elliptically polarized isolated attosecond pulses from the 2p0 state of He+ with a linearly polarized two-color field” Opt. Commun. 338 422 (2015).

16.H. Du, S. Xue, H. Wang, Y. Wen and B. Hu, “Wavelength scaling of high-order harmonic yield from a Rydberg atom in a few-cycle pulse” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31(7) 1621 (2014).

