














2003年12月-2006年12月:丹麦里瑟国家实验室,放射分析与核设施退役领域,研究员(Senior Scientist)。

2007年1月-2013年4月:丹麦科技大学(DTU)核技术研究中心,放射分析、核环境安全、核设施退役领域,研究员(Senior Scientist)。


2008年12月-至今:中国科学院地球环境研究所,核环境安全、环境过程示踪, 加速器质谱分析领域,研究员






  1. 2024.9-2028.8 欧盟EURAD-2专项,Methodology for radiological characterization of nuclear waste for repository (ICARUS) 项目,课题负责人
  2. 2022.9-2025.8欧盟EURAMET 项目,Metrology for the harmonisation of measurements of environmental pollutants in Europe, 子课题负责人
  3. 2024.1-2027.12国家自然科学基金委,专项项目重点课题,海洋环境超微量关键放射性核素的分析及核污染甄别和源解析研究, 负责人
  4. 2022.1-2025.12国家自然科学基金委,重点课题,乏燃料后处理过程中钚同位素、237Np和99Tc的快速分析,项目负责人
  5. 2023.1-2028.12, 教育部,核与放射分析学科创新引智基地,负责人
  6. 2021.5-2024.6. 中国科学院重点部署项目, “我国及西北太平洋关键海域人工放射性水平变化调查”,首席科学家
  7. 2021.6-2023.6.  中国科学院重点部署项目,嫦娥五号任务月球样品宇宙成因核素分析和暴露历史探索,项目负责人
  8. 2019.1 -2022.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,超低水平环境236U的加速器质谱分析及环境示踪研究,课题负责人
  9. 2015.5-2020.4, 科技部科技基础性工作专项项目,我国环境放射性水平精细图谱建设,首席科学家
  10. 2017.8-2019.12,总理专项基金(环保部管理)大气重污染成因多技术融合的综合精细化来源解析技术研究- 子课题2:多元稳定/放射性同位素的物质和环境示踪体系,课题负责人
  11. 2019.1-2022.12,中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目,丝路沿线环境放射性水平及其生态环境影响,项目负责人
  12. 2012.9-2015.8, 科技部创新方法专项,核环境安全和事故状况下的环境分析方法体系,项目负责人,


已在科技期刊发表研究论文330多篇,其中SCI论文290多篇,SCI h-index为 43。出版英文专著一部。

  1. Wang, Y., Shi, K., Fan, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, N., Liu, Q., Hou, X. L.* Sources of highly regional 129I in soils in northeast China. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 171777.
  2. Zhang, L., Cheng, P., Hou, X. L., Wang, D., Liu, X., Liu, Q., Dong, G., Zhou, J., Jiang, H., Tang, L. Long-Range Transboundary Transport of Iodine-129 from South Asia to the Southern Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Moss and Lichen. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2024.
  3. Fan, Y.*, Cheng, P., Negri, A., Lan, J., Liu, X., Zhou, W., Liu, Q., Hou, X. L.* Climate control of iodine isotopic composition evidenced by Argentine Entisols records. Geophysical Research Letters, 2024, 51(4), e2023GL107811.
  4. Fan, Y.*, Xu, H., Hou, X. L.*, Zhou, W., Zhang, L., Chen, N. Isotopic evidence unveils fossil fuels contribution to atmospheric iodine. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57(49), 20773-20780.
  5. Zou, Y., Li, J., Jia, S., Wang, S., Sun, Y., Shi, K., Liu, T., Yang, J., Hou, X. L., He, J. The Separation of Europium/Americium from High-Acidity Solutions Using a Manufactured Resin Material. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 340: 126557.
  6. Sun, J., Zhu, S., Xing, S.*, Kuzmenkova, N. V., Peng, C., Lu, Y., Rozhkova, A., Shi, K., Kalmykov, S. P., Hou, X. L.* Level, distribution and sources of Np, Pu and Am isotopes in Peter the Great Bay of Japan sea. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2024, 274, 107400.
  7. Peng, C., Sun, J., Zhang, F., Xing, S., Liu, X., Chen, C., .Hou, X. L., Shi, K., Wu, W. Simultaneous Determination of Transuranium Radionuclides in Urine by Tandem Quadrupole ICP–MS/MS with Mass-Shift Mode Combined with Chemical Separation. Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96(6),2514-2523.
  8. Huang Z., Hou X.L.*, Zhao X. Rapid and Simultaneous Determination of 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, and 241Pu in Samples with High-Level Uranium Using ICP-MS/MS and Extraction Chromatography. Anal. Chem., 2023, 95, 34, 12931–12939
  9. Zhang L., Hou X. L.*, Gwynn, J.P. Karcher M., Chen N., Fan, Y.K., Liu, Q. Spatial variation and species transformation of 129I and 127I in the Central Arctic Ocean, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2023, 612:118165
  10. Huang Z., Hou X. L.*, Qiao J.X., Zhao X.  Simultaneous determination of femtogram levels of 237Np, 239Pu, and 240Pu in environmental solid samples using extraction chromatography and ICP-MS/MS, Talanta, 2023, 265: 124798
  11. Liu, Y.X., Hou X.L.*, Zhao X., Zhang W.C.,  Liu Q., Lin  M. Reconstruction of the Sources and Their Contributions to 129I in Northern Xinjiang, China, Environmental Science and Technology, 2023, 57(27), pp. 10070–10078
  12. Xing S.  Peng C.Y., Christl M., Shi K.L., Synal H.A., Hou X.L.* Simultaneous Determination of Transuranium Radionuclides for Nuclear Forensics by Compact Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 2023, 95, 7, 3647–3655
  13. Jia T.Y., Shi K.L., Wang Y.Y., Yang Y,Q., Hou X.L.* Sequential Separation of Iodine Species in Nitric Acid Media for Speciation Analysis of 129I in a PUREX Process of Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing. Anal. Chem., 2023, 94(31):
  14. Liu Y.X., Hou X.L.*, Qiao J.X., Zhang W.C., Fang M., Mu L. Evaluation of soil erosion rates in the hilly-gully region of the Loess Plateau in China in the past 60 years using global fallout plutonium. Catena. 2023, 220(4):10666.
  15. Zhang M.T., Hou X.L.*, Zhang L.Y., Qiao J.X., Gao R.Q., Liu Q., Distribution of Anthropogenic 129 I in the Western South China Sea and Its Application for Tracing the Sources and Movement of Pollution. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56(17):12298–12306.
  16. Zhang W.C., Hou X.L.*, Dang H.J., Chen N., Zhang H.T. Distribution and migration of 239,240Pu in soil profiles in North China. Sci. Total Environ. 2022, 875:159471
  17. He P., Pang H.Y., Yang Z., Li S.H., Huang Y., Hou X.L., Possnert G., Zheng X.F., Pei X.J., Aldahan A. 127I and 129I species in the English Channel and its adjacent areas: Uncovering impact on the isotopes marine pathways. Water Research 2022, 225(3):119178.
  18. Luo Y.J., Hou X.L:* Qiao J.X., Zhu L.C., Zheng C.B. Mu L., Determination of 93Mo in Radioactive Samples of Sulfuric Acid Media from Nuclear Facilities. Anal. Chem., 2022, 94(33)
  19. Zhang L.Y., Hou X.L., Zhang T., Fang M., Kim H., Jiang H., Chen N., Liu Q. Ultra-Sensitive Determination of Particulate, Gaseous Inorganic and Organic Iodine-129 and Iodine-127 in Ambient Air. Anal. Chem., 2022, 94(27) :9835-9843.
  20. Tong J., Yang J.Q., Zhang L.L., Liu T.H., Peng C.Y., Nie X,F., Dong T,H., Mocilac P., Shi K.L., Hou X.L. Efficient removal of Se-79 from highly acidic solution using SiO2 particles functionalised with iron hydroxide. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 446:137387.
  21. Mu L., She J., Murawski J., Hou X.L., Qiao J.X. Long-term environmental risks of the Baltic Sea's "memory effect" revealed by ocean modeling and observation of reprocessing-derived radiotracers. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022, 443(A):130144
  22. Zhao X., Hou X.L., Huang Z., Liu H., Jiang H. Plutonium isotopes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Sources, distribution, and their environmental behaviors, Environmental Pollution, 2022, 306: 119401.
  23. Yang J.Q., Zhen Y.W., Shi K.L., Hu K.S., Gao X.Q., Wang Q., Zhang W.B., Zhou Y., Wang Y.Y., He J.G., Liu T.H., Hou X.L.* Stability of selenium and its speciation analysis in water using automatic system separation and HR-ICP-MS measurement. Chinese Chem. Lett. 2022, 33(7):3444-3450.
  24. Fang M., Zhao X., Liu Y.X., Shao Y., Chen N., Luo M., Zhang L.Y., Liu Q., Ma L.L., Xu D.D., Hou X.L.* Occurrence, evolution and degradation of heavy haze events in Beijing traced by iodine-127 and iodine-129 in aerosols. Chinese Chem. Lett. 2022, 33(7): 3507-3515.
  25. Tong J., Yang J.Q., Zhang L.L., Liu T.H., Peng C.Y., Dong T.B., Mocilac P., Shi K.L., Hou X.L. Efficient removal of Se-79 from highly acidic solution using SiO2 particles functionalised with iron hydroxide, Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 137387
  26. Zhang, M.T., Qiao J.X., Zhang W.C., Hou X.L. * Plutonium isotopes in the northwestern South China Sea: Level, distribution, source and deposition, Environ. Poll. 2022, 298:118846
  27. Yang J.Q., Shi K.L., Wu F., Tong J., Su Y., Liu T.H., He J.J., Mocilac P., Hou X.L:, Wu W.S., Shi W.Q. Technetium-99 decontamination from radioactive wastewater by modified bentonite: batch, column experiment and mechanism investigation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022, 428:131333
  28. Lin M., Qiao J.X., Hou X.L., Steier P., Golser R., Schmidt M., Dellwig O., Hannsson M., Bäck Ö., Vartti V.P., Stedmon C., She J., Murawski J., Aldahan A., Schmield S.A.K. Anthropogenic 236U and 233U in the Baltic Sea: distributions, source terms, and budgets. Water Research, 2022, 210:117987.
  29. Xu Y.H., Li C., Yu H.P., Fang F.M., Hou X.L., Zhang C., Li X.F., Xing S. Rapid determination of plutonium isotopes in small samples using single anion exchange separation and ICP-MS/MS measurement in NH3–He mode for sediment dating. Talanta, 2022, 240:123152
  30. Zhang W.C., Lin J.F., Fang S., Li C., Yi X.W., Hou X.L., Chen N., Zhang H.T., Xu Y.H., Dang H.J., Wang W., Xu J., Determination of ultra-trace level plutonium isotopes in soil samples by triple-quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry with mass-shift mode combined with UTEVA chromatographic separation. Talanta, 2021, 234:122652
  31. Zhao X., Hou X.L.*, Zhang D.L., Yang Y.P., Huang Z., Liu Q.  Records of iodine isotopes (129I, 127I) in the Barkol peat bog from northwest China and their sources, transport and preservation. Chemosphere, 2021, 279:130531
  32. Yang J.Q., Chen Y.W., Tong J., Su Y., Gao X.Q., He J.G., Shi K.L., Hou X.L:, Wu W.S. Investigation on the efficient separation and recovery of Se(IV) and Se(VI) from wastewater using Fe-OOH-bent. Radiochimica Acta. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1515/ract-2020-0087
  33. Lin M., Qiao J.X., Hou X.L., Dellwig O., Steier P., Hain K., Golser R., Zhu L.C. 70-Year Anthropogenic Uranium Imprints of Nuclear Activities in Baltic Sea Sediments. Envion. Sci. Technol., 2021, 55(13)8918-8927.
  34. Zhu L.C., Hou X.L:*, Qiao J.X. Determination of low-level 135Cs and 135Cs/137Cs atomic ratios in large volume of seawater by chemical separation coupled with triple-quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry measurement for its oceanographic applications. Talanta, 2021, 226:122121
  35. Wang Y.Y., Hou X.L.*, Zhang W.C., Zhang L.Y., Fan Y.K. Determination of ultra-low 236U in environment samples using ICP-MS/MS measurement and chemical separation. Talanta, 2021, 224:121882
  36. Lin M., Qiao J.X., Hou X.L., Golser R., Hain K., Steier P. On the Quality Control for the Determination of Ultratrace-Level 236U and 233U in Environmental Samples by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 2021, 93(7):3362-3369
  37.  Qiao J.X., Zhang H.T., Steier P., Hain K., Hou X.L., Vartti V.P., Henderson G.M., Eriksson M., Alahan A., Possnert G., Golser R. An unknown source of reactor radionuclides in the Baltic Sea revealed by multi-isotope fingerprints. Nature Communications, 2021, 12:823
  38. Zhu L.C., Hou X.L.*, Qiao J.X. Determination of 135Cs concentration and 135Cs/137Cs ratio in waste samples from nuclear decommissioning by chemical separation and ICP-MS/MS. Talanta, 2021, 221:121637
  39. Zhang L.Y., Fang M., Zhang T., Jiang H., Zhang M.T., Hou X.L., Determination of iodine-129 in twenty soil and sediment reference materials. J. Anal. Atomic Spectrom. 2021, 26:1544-1553
  40. Zhang W.C., Hou X.L.*, Zhang H.T., Wang Y.Y., Dang H.J., Xing S., Chen N. Level, distribution and sources of plutonium in the northeast and north China. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 289:117976
  41. Hain K.,  Steier P.,  Froehlich M.B.,  Golser R.,  Hou X.,  Lachner J.,  Nomura T.,  Qiao J.,  Quinto F. 233U/236U signature allows to distinguish environmental emissions of civil nuclear industry from weapons fallout. Nature Communication, 2020, 11, 1275
  42. Zhao, X.,  Qiao, J.,  Hou, X.* Plutonium isotopes in Northern Xinjiang, China: Level, distribution, sources and their contributions, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 265,114929
  43. Fan, Y.,  Hou, X.*, Fukuda, M.,  Zheng, J.,  Aono, T.,  Chen, N.,  Zhang, L.,  Zhou, W.,129I in a sediment core offshore Fukushima: Distribution, source and its implication, Chemosphere, 2020, 126524
  44. Zhu L.,  Hou, X.*,  Qiao J. , Determination of Ultralow Level 135Cs and 135Cs/137Cs Ratio in Environmental Samples by Chemical Separation and Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS. Anal. Chem., 92:7884-7892.
  45. Zhu, L.C.,  Xu, C., Hou, X.L.*,  Qiao, J.X., Zhao, Y.G.,  Liu, G.R., Determination of Ultratrace Level 135Cs and 135Cs/137Cs Ratio in Small Volume Seawater by Chemical Separation and Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 2020, 92:6709-6718.
  46. Zhang L.Y., Hou X.L., Xu S., Feng T., Cheng P., Fu Y.C., Chen N. Temporal variation of 129I and 127I in aerosols from Xi'an, China: influence of East Asian monsoon and heavy haze events, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physcis, 2020, 20:2623-2635
  47. Yang J.Q., Shi K.L., Gao X.Q., Hou X.L., Wu W.S., Shi W.Q. Hexadecylpyridinium (HDPy) modified bentonite for Efficient and selective removal of 99Tc from wastewater. Chem. Engineering J. 2020, 382, 122894


Lehto Jukka, Hou Xiaolin, Chemistry and Analysis of Radionuclides, 2010, pp426, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.


1. Hevesy Medal Award, 2019, (国际放射化学最高奖)

2. Vladimir Mayer Award 勋章 2019

3. 陕西省科学技术奖,二等奖(1/7), 2017

4. 核工业科技进步奖,二等奖(1/5), 1994

5. 中国化学会青年化学奖,1998


1. SCI期刊   Journal of Environmental Radioacticity副主编

2. SCI期刊 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 编委

3. Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology 编委

4. 国际原子能机构特聘专家, 2015-

5. 国际核化学学会 主席团成员, 2012-

6. 欧洲化学会放射化学分会常务理事,2015-

7. 英国南安普顿大学NNUF-EXACT顾问专家组顾问,2020-

8. 中国科学院科技智库研究员 2024-

9  中国核化学与放射化学学会副理事长 2024-

10.中国地质学会人类世分会副理事长, 2023-