Navid Abbasi



主要研究方向:Quantum Field Theory, Relativistic Hydrodynamics

招生专业:Kinetic theory and Hydrodynamics





1997年9月-2001年9月:Sharif University of Technology (Tehran)(单位) Civil专业,Bachelor’s degree in Civil engineering(学科)学士(硕士或博士)学位.

2007年9月-2009年9月:Sharif University of Technology(单位)Master of Science,Physics.

2009年9月-2013年3月:Sharif University of Technology (Tehran)(单位),PhD, High Energy Physics.

2014年1月-2019年3月:Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran(单位),Postdoctoral fellow.

2017年1月-2018年7月:Sharif University of Technology (Tehran)(单位),Physics Department, Lecturer.

2019年8月--年--月:School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, China(单位),Professor.

2024年3月2024年9月: Institute for Theoretical Physic, Johann Wolfgang Goethe–Universität(单位),EMMI Visiting Professor.


1. 2011, Quantum Field Theory I and II, PhD, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran.

2. Fall 2012 (QFT Preparatory Course) Group Theory Sharif University of Technology.

3. Spring 2017, Particle Physics, Graduate, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran.

4. Fall 2017, Fluid Mechanics, Graduate, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran.

5. Spring 2018, Holography and its Application in QGP, Graduate, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran.

6. Fall 2019-2023, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Undergraduate, Lanzhou University.

7. Spring 2020, Introduction to Theoretical Physics, Lanzhou University.

8. Spring 2021, History of Physics, Undergraduate, Lanzhou University.

9. Spring 2022, Electrodynamics, Undergraduate, Lanzhou University.


[1] Publish a Physical Review Letters paper in 2024: Phys.Rev.Lett.  132 (2024) 13, 131602.

[2] Publish a paper in “Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics” in 2024: Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 134 (2024) 104080.

[3] Publish 7 papers in “Journal of High Energy Physics” (JHEP) and 2 papers in “Physical Review D” (PRD) in the past five years.


1. 2012, “Freydoon Mansouri's fellowship” in String Theory.

2. 2007, 4th place in Iran's National Entrance Examination, Master's Physics level.

3. 1997, 17th in Iran National Exam, over 1 million participants.