








1. 学习经历:



2. 工作经历:







潘多强,教授,博士生导师,国家人才计划青年学者,全国黄大年式教师团队骨干成员。长期从事放射性污染防控治理相关研究,围绕放射性核素界面行为及调控机制这一关键科学问题,重点研究污染物清除、核素分离、核素迁移风险等方面,厘清了核素在典型介质中的表界面行为和迁移转化机制,发展了复杂介质中放射性核素的高效分离策略,建立了典型废液/气的高效净化方法。近年来主持各类科研项目20余项,以第一或通讯作者发表学术论文50余篇,授权国家专利3项。获国家课程思政教学名师、甘肃省职工优秀技术创新成果二等奖,兰州大学五四青年奖章、兰州大学隆基教育教学新秀奖、兰州大学教学成果一等奖等荣誉。兼任中国辐射防护学会环境放射化学分会理事、副秘书长,中国辐射防护学会放射生态学分会理事、青年委员会副主任,中国能源学会专家委员会核能专家组委员,中国辐射防护学会射线束技术分会理事,《Chinese Chemical Letters》、《Biochar》、《Carbon Research》期刊青年编委。


(1)Wei X., Shi X., Yang M., Tan Q., Xu Z., Ma B., Pan D.*, Wu W. Phosphate and illite colloid pose a synergistic risk of enhanced uranium transport in groundwater: A challenge for phosphate immobilization remediation of uranium contaminated environmental water. Water Res., 2024, 255, 121514.

(2)Li S., Yang X., Wang Q., Shang H., Xu Y., Xu Y., Kong X.*, Zhao M., Jia X., Wu W., Pan D.* One-dimensional nanostructure arrays with Schottky Junction enhanced charge separation for the photoelectrocatalytic selective removal of uranium from wastewater. Nano Energy, 2024, 128, 109866.

(3)Xu Y., Zhao X., Hua W., Wang W., Zhao M., Xiao W., Hou X., Guo X., Pan D.*, Wu W. Spatially confined coordination platform in covalent organic framework for selective uranium adsorption from aqueous solutions. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2024, 345, 127307.

(4)Tang Q., Xu Z.*, Tan Q., Shi X., Wu W., Pan D*. Insight into Impact of Phosphate on the Cotransport and Corelease of Eu(III) with Bentonite Colloids in Saturated Quartz Columns. J. Hazard. Mater., 2024, 461, 132572.

(5)Wei X., Pan D.*, Tan Q., Shi X., Hou J., Tang Q., Xu Z., Wu W., Ma B. Surface charge property governing co-transport of illite colloids and Eu(III) in saturated porous media. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2023, 34, 108275.

(6)Li S., Pan D.*, Cui Z., Xu Y., Shang H., Hua W., Wu F., Wu W. Synergistic effects of oxygen vacancies and heterostructures for visible-light-driven photoreduction of uranium. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2022, 301, 121966.

(7)Pan D.*, Zhao X., Wang P., Li P., Li Y., Wu W., Wang Z., Fan Q. Insights into sorption speciation of uranium on phlogopite: evidence from TRLFS and DFT calculation. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 427, 128164.

(8)Li S., Yang X., Cui Z., Xu Y, Niu Z., Li P, Pan D.*, Wu W. Efficient photoreduction strategy for uranium immobilization based on graphite carbon nitride/perovskite oxide heterojunction nanocomposites. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2021, 298: 120625.

(9)Wei X., Pan D.*, Xu Z., Xian D., Li X., Tan Z., Liu C, Wu W. Colloidal stability and correlated migration of illite in the aquatic environment: the roles of pH, temperature, multiple cations and humic acid. Sci. Total Environ. 2021, 768: 144174.

(10)Xu Z., Niu Z., Pan D.*, Zhao X., Wei X., Li X., Tan Z., Chen X., Liu C., Wu W. Mechanisms of bentonite colloid aggregation, retention, and release in saturated porous media: Role of counter ions and humic acid. Sci. Total Environ. 2021, 793: 148545.