











《高等量子力学》,新葡亰8883ent会员中心,研一上,54学时 (2011 - )

《量子力学》,新葡亰8883ent会员中心,核物理基地班,大三上,72学时 (2012 - )

《量子力学》,萃英学院,物理学萃英班,大三上,72学时 (2015)

《理论力学》,萃英学院,物理学萃英班,大二上,72学时 (2012 - 2014)

《理论力学》,新葡亰8883ent会员中心,核物理基地班,大二上,54学时 (2011 - 2012)



[1]. 参加国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“含奇异自由度的密度依赖相对论Hartree-Fock理论及其应用” (2011.01 - 2013.12)

[2]. 参加兰州大学自然科学类“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”重点项目:“基于协变密度泛函理论的中子星物理研究” (2011.01 - 2013.12)

[3]. 主持兰州大学自然科学类“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”自由探索项目-面上项目:“轻核区双中子关联的相对论理论研究” (2011.07 - 2013.06)

[4]. 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“低密核物质与奇特原子核中的双中子关联现象” (2013.01 - 2015.12)

[5]. 主持高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类资助课题:“致密核物质中的张量效应研究” (2013.01 - 2015.12)

[6]. 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目:“核力的相对论有效表述及其应用” (2014.01 - 2017.12)

[7]. 主持企事业单位委托科技项目:“X射线自由电子激光脉冲与原子作用机制及其潜在应用的研究” (2015.12 - 2018.07)

[8]. 主持兰州大学自然科学类“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”自由探索项目-面上项目:“热中子星的冷却机制与内部结构” (2016.01 - 2017.06)

[9]. 主持兰州大学2018年度本科专业类教学质量标准研究课题:“基于一流大学建设的物理学(原子核物理专业)教学质量标准研究” (2018.07 - 2018.12)

[10].主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“基于含交换项协变密度泛函的超核物理研究” (2019.01 - 2022.12)

[11].参加中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B 类):“核物质相结构与重元素合成研究” (2020.01 - 2024.12)

[12].参加兰州大学自然科学类“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”重大平台培育与建设项目:“粲重子衰变与相互作用机制研究” (2022.08 - 2024.07)


[1]. Bao Yuan Sun, Wen Hui Long, Jie Meng, and U. Lombardo, Neutron star properties in density dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock theory, Physical Review C 78, 065805 (2008).

[2]. ZHAO Peng-Wei, SUN Bao-Yuan, and MENG Jie, Deformation effect on the center-of-mass correction energy in nuclei ranging from Oxygen to Calcium, Chinese Physics Letters 26 (11), 112102 (2009).

[3]. 孟杰, 孙保元, 相对论核多体问题中的 pp 和 ph 相互作用能否统一, "10000个科学难题·物理学卷", 科学出版社, 北京 (2009) pp. 757--758.

[4]. Bao Yuan Sun, Hiroshi Toki, and Jie Meng, Relativistic description of BCS-BEC crossover in nuclear matter, Physics Letters B 683, 134--139 (2010).

[5]. 李茂琼, 孙保元, 张双全, 相对论平均场理论中 Zr 同位素链壳修正的微观研究, 中国科学: 物理学力学 天文学 40, 69--76 (2010).

[6]. Wen Hui Long, Bao Yuan Sun, Kouichi Hagino, and Hiroyuki Sagawa, Hyperon effects in covariant density functional theory and recent astrophysical observations, Physical Review C 85, 025806 (2012).

[7]. Ting Ting Sun, Bao Yuan Sun, and Jie Meng, BCS-BEC crossover in nuclear matter with the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory, Physical Review C 86, 014305 (2012).

[8]. Xiao Li Lu, Bao Yuan Sun, and Wen Hui Long, Description of carbon isotopes within relativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory, Physical Review C 87, 034311 (2013).

[9]. Bao Yuan Sun and Wei Pan, Dineutron correlations and BCS-BEC crossover in nuclear matter with the Gogny pairing force, Nuclear Physics A 909, 8–-19 (2013).

[10].Long Jun Wang, Bao Yuan Sun, Jian Min Dong, and Wen Hui Long, Odd-even staggering of the nuclear binding energy described by covariant density functional theory with calculations for spherical nuclei, Physical Review C 87, 054331 (2013).

[11]. Li Juan Jiang, Shen Yang, Bao Yuan Sun, Wen Hui Long, and Huai Qiang Gu, Nuclear tensor interaction in a covariant energy density functional, Physical Review C 91, 034326 (2015).

[12]. Qian Zhao, Bao Yuan Sun, and Wen Hui Long, Kinetic and potential parts of nuclear symmetry energy: the role of Fock terms, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 42, 095101 (2015).

[13]. 孙保元, 相对论 Hartree-Fock 理论中的核物质对称能, 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 46, 012018 (2016).

[14]. Bin Qi, Nai-Bo Zhang, Bao-Yuan Sun, Shou-Yu Wang, and Jian-Hua Gao, A key factor to the spin parameter of uniformly rotating compact stars: crust structure, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 16 (4), 60 (2016).

[15]. Yao-Yao Zong and Bao-Yuan Sun, Relativistic interpretation of the nature of the nuclear tensor force, Chinese Physics C 42 (2), 024101 (2018).

[16]. Zhi Wei Liu, Zhuang Qian, Ruo Yu Xing, Jia Rui Niu, and Bao Yuan Sun, Nuclear fourth-order symmetry energy and its effects on neutron star properties in the relativistic Hartree-Fock theory, Physical Review C 97, 025801 (2018).

[17]. Zhuang Qian, RuoYu Xing, and BaoYuan Sun, Moments of inertia of neutron stars in relativistic mean field theory: the role of the isovector scalar channel, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 61, 082011 (2018).

[18]. Han Zhang, Kai Li, Jiawei Yan, Haixiao Deng*, and Baoyuan Sun, Atomic inner-shell radiation seeded free-electron lasers, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 21, 070701 (2018).

[19]. Bao Yuan Sun, Zhi Wei Liu, and Ruo Yu Xing, Applicability of relativistic point-coupling models to neutron star physics, AIP Conference Proceedings 2127, 020020 (2019).

[20].Shen Yang, Bo Nan Zhang, and Bao Yuan Sun, Critical parameters of the liquid-gas phase transition in thermal symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter, Physical Review C 100, 054314 (2019).

[21]. Jing Geng, Jian Xiang, Bao Yuan Sun, and Wen Hui Long, Relativistic Hartree-Fock model for axially deformed nuclei, Physical Review C 101, 064302 (2020).

[22]. Shen Yang, Xiang Dong Sun, Jing Geng, Bao Yuan Sun, and Wen Hui Long, Liquid-gas phase transition of thermal nuclear matter and the in-medium balance between nuclear attraction and repulsion, Physical Review C 103, 014304 (2021).

[23]. J. H. Bai, Z. M. Niu, B. Y. Sun, and Y. F. Niu, The description of giant dipole resonance key parameters with multitask neural networks, Physics Letters B 815, 136147 (2021).

[24]. Cheng-Jun Xia, Bao Yuan Sun, Toshiki Maruyama, Wen-Hui Long, and Ang Li, Unified nuclear matter equations of state constrained by the in-medium balance in density-dependent covariant density functionals, Physical Review C 105, 045803 (2022).

[25]. Shi Yuan Ding, Zhuang Qian, Bao Yuan Sun, and Wen Hui Long, Quenched Λ spin-orbit splitting by a relativistic Fock diagram in single-Λ hypernuclei, Physical Review C 106, 054311 (2022).

[26]. Xiangdong Sun, Zhiqiang Miao, Baoyuan Sun, and Ang Li, Astrophysical Implications on Hyperon Couplings and Hyperon Star Properties with Relativistic Equations of States, The Astrophysical Journal 942, 55 (2023).

[27]. Shi-Yuan Ding, Wei Yang, and Bao-Yuan Sun, Density-dependent relativistic mean field approach and its application to single-Λ hypernuclei in oxygen hyperisotopes, Chinese Physics C 47 (12), 124103 (2023).

[28]. 杨威, 丁士缘, 孙保元, 基于实稳定方法的原子核单粒子共振相对论 Hartree-Fock 模型, 物理学报 73, 062102 (2024).




2006年:欧盟Asia-Europe Link in Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics奖学金


2008年:日本JASSO(Japan Student Services Organization)奖学金






中国核物理学会第十四届理事,《Frontiers of Physics(物理学前沿)》《大学物理》期刊青年编委,《Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics》《Journal of Computational Physics》《Physica Scripta》《中国物理C》《中国物理快报》《物理学报》《中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学》《原子核物理评论》等学术期刊审稿人。