刘   伟









2007年09月-2011年06月:兰州大学 化学化工学院化学专业,获化学学士学位。

2011年09月-2016年12月:兰州大学 化学化工学院无机化学专业,获无机化学博士学位。

2017年07月-2020年07月:兰州大学 物理科学与技术学院 材料科学与工程博士后流动站 博士后。

2020年08月-至今:兰州大学 稀有同位素前沿科学中心,助理研究员。





1. 含多活性中心的氢键镧系金属有机骨架材料的构建及其识别催化性质研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,25万,2020-2022)

2. 用于铀酰离子识别检测的镧系MOFs发光传感器研究 (甘肃省青年科技基金,4万,2021-2023)

3. 锕系MOFs材料的功能化构建及性能研究 (中央高校基本科研业务费定向探索项目(新来校教师科研启动费项目),15万,2021-2022)

4. 含脲位点的铀/钍功能MOF的合成及性能研究 (兰州大学特殊功能材料与结构设计教育部重点实验室开放课题,2万,2021)


1. 稀土多核配合物的识别功能及其应用研究(国家自然科学基金重点项目)

2. 基于反应型的氮杂大环稀土配合物对贵金属离子的识别作用与研究

3. 通过“Click”化学制备镧系金属有机框架荧光传感材料

4. 多核稀土簇合物对钾离子选择性识别的研究


1. 第一或通讯作者论文

[1] Wei Liu, Chunyang Chen, Zelong Wu, Yuanfeng Pan, CaiHong Ye, Zhaori Mu, Xueli Luo, Wanmin Chen, Weisheng Liu*, Construction of multifunctional luminescent lanthanide MOFs by hydrogen bond functionalization for picric acid detection and fluorescent dyes encapsulation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020, 8, 13497-13506.

[2] Wei Liu, Chengdong Liu, Chunyang Chen, Xin Huang, Weisheng Liu*, Construction of Lanthanide Coordination Polymer Luminescent Sensor Based on Function-Oriented Strategy for Efficient Detection of Picric Acid in Aquatic Environment. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 17349-17354.

[3] Wei Liu, Chunyang Chen, Xin Huang, Erqing Xie, Weisheng Liu*, Functional construction of dual-emitting 4-aminonaphthalimide encapsulated lanthanide MOFs composite for ratiometric temperature sensing. Chemistry-A European Journal. 2019, 25, 10054-10058.

[4] Wei Liu, Xin Huang, Chunyang Chen, Cong Xu, Jingxin Ma, Lizi Yang, Wenjie Wang, Wei Dou, Weisheng Liu*, Function-oriented: the construction of lanthanide MOF luminescent sensors containing dual-function urea hydrogen-bond sites for efficient detection of picric acid. Chemistry-A European Journal. 2019, 25, 1090-1097. 

[5] Wei Liu, Xin Huang, Cong Xu, Chunyang Chen, Lizi Yang, Wei Dou, Wanmin Chen, Huan Yang and Weisheng Liu*, A multi-responsive regenerable europium-organic framework luminescent sensor for Fe3+, CrVI anions and picric acid. Chemistry-A European Journal. 2016, 22, 18769-18776. (Inside Cover,ESI高被引论文)

[6] Wei Liu, Jie Jiang, Chunyang Chen, Xiaoliang Tang, Jinmin Shi, Peng Zhang, Kaiming Zhang, Zhiqi Li, Wei Dou, Lizi Yang, and Weisheng Liu*, Water-soluble colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent probe for selective imaging of palladium species in living cells. Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53, 12590-12594. 

[7] Yiliang Sun, Xiaoyan Wang, Shiying Liu, Xiaoshan Yang, Xiaoyu Ren, Wei Liu*, Weisheng Liu*, Functional Construction of a Novel Lanthanide MOF for Efficient Ratio Luminescence Detection of Ethanol Vapor, Advanced Optical Materials, 2024, 12, 2400692-2400700.

[8] Xiaoshan Yang, Wei Liu*, Xueguang Liu, Yiliang Sun, Xiaoyan Wang, Yongliang Shao, and Weisheng Liu*, Construction of Multifunctional Luminescent Lanthanide MOFs for Luminescent Sensing of Temperature, Trifluoroacetic Acid Vapor and Explosives,Inorganic Chemistry , 2024, 63, 3921–3930.

[9] Shiying Liu, Wei Liu*, Chunyang Chen, Yiliang Sun, Shiqiang Bai, and Weisheng Liu*,Construction of Highly Luminescent Lanthanide Coordination Polymers and Their Visualization for Luminescence Sensing,Inorganic Chemistry , 2024, 63, 1725-1735.

[10] Shiying Liu, Wei Liu*, Yiliang Sun, Weisheng Liu*,Construction of High Quantum Yield Lanthanide Luminescent MOF Platform by In Situ Doping and Its Temperature Sensing Performance,Inorganic Chemistry , 2023, 62, 9781–9791.

[11] Xueguang Liu, Wei Liu*, Zhenghua Ju, Jie Jiang, Weisheng Liu*, A Hydrophilic Mixed Lanthanide Metal–Organic Framework Monitoring H2O in D2O, Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 19658–19662.

[12] Xueguang Liu, Wei Liu*, Yao Kou, Xiaoshan Yang, Zhenghua Jua,Weisheng Liu*,Multifunctional lanthanide MOF luminescent sensor built by structural designing and energy level regulation of a ligand,Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 9, 4065-4074.

[13] Xueguang Liu, Wei Liu*, Xiaoshan Yang, Yao Kou, Wanmin Chen,Weisheng Liu*,Construction of a series of Ln-MOF luminescent sensors based on a functional “V” shaped ligand, Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51, 12549-12557.

[14] Hongbi Zhang, Xueguang Liu, Yongliang Shao, Wei Liu*, Weisheng Liu*, Study on the synthesis and host–guest luminescence properties of a novel Cd(ii)-picolinate coordination polymer. New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46, 4257-4261.

[15] Ruixiang Guo, Gang Wang, Xueguang Liu, Xiaoshan Yang, Weisheng Liu*, Wei Liu*, A novel acylhydrazone Zn coordination polymer for the determination of picric acid. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2022, 312, 123234.

2. 专利

(1) 含脲多孔有机聚合物、制备方法及其在吸附碘中的应用,刘伟、王晓艳、孙益亮、刘伟生、吴王锁,申请号:CN202311621887.1

(2) 含硫脲多孔有机聚合物、制备方法及其在吸附碘中的应用, 刘伟、王晓艳、孙益亮、刘伟生、吴王锁,申请号:CN202311621891.8

(3) 一种镧系MOF及其在醇类蒸气发光传感中的应用,刘伟、孙益亮、王晓艳、刘伟生,申请号:CN202410354771.4

(4) 一种快速鉴别真假葡萄酒的试纸及其制备和应用,刘伟生、刘伟、王文杰、谌春阳、窦伟,授权号:CN113484308B.

(5) 一种凹凸棒土掺杂硫化铈颜料及其制备方法, 刘伟生、侯伟、刘伟、王文杰,授权号:CN112280330B.




